
Global Fire Power Index - 2023.

Ranking the nations of the world based on current available firepower.

The Global Firepower Index ranks the countries based on their potential military strength. The Global Firepower Index ranked 145 countries. The countries were evaluated based on prolonged offensive and defensive military campaigns.

The finalized Global Firepower ranking utilizes over 60 individual factors to determine a given nation's PowerIndex ('PwrIndx') score with categories ranging from quantity of military units and financial standing to logistical capabilities and geography.

About Global Firepower Index:

  • The Global Firepower Index is calculated using fifty individual factors from geography to logistical capability.
  • It also includes manpower, land forces, airpower, natural resources, naval forces, logistics and financials.
  • Under manpower, the factors considered are total population, paramilitary, reaching military age annually, active reserves and active services.
  • Under equipment, the factors considered are trainer fleet, aircraft fleet strength, helicopter fleet, attack fleets, rocket projectors, tank strength, towed artillery, aircraft carriers, naval fleet strength, destroyers, submarines, coastal patrol craft, frigates, mine warfare craft, coastal patrol craft and tanker fleets.
  • The finance factors include external debt, defence budget, reserves of foreign exchange and gold and purchasing power parity.

Here is the list of the top 05 countries on Global Power Index 2023.

Source: www.globalfirepower.com


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