Psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disease. This skin condition speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. As a result, the body has extra skin cells. These extra cells form itchy red patches on the skin. Besides being itchy, the red patches are often painful. Other symptoms include cracked skin that sometimes bleeds and small scaling spots. In some cases, psoriasis causes the joints to become inflamed and stiff. When psoriasis affects the joints it is called psoriatic arthritis.
The exact cause of psoriasis isn’t fully understood. Some research suggests that an overactive immune system plays a role. Psoriasis usually starts or gets worse when certain triggers occur. These triggers include infections, injury to the skin, stress, Vitamin D deficiency, and heavy alcohol consumption. Psoriasis can also be triggered by certain medications. Those who have psoriasis are at a higher risk of getting other diseases. These diseases include Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and kidney disease. Psoriasis usually affects a person’s quality of life, which often leads to depression and other emotional disturbances.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for psoriasis but it can go into remission. The symptoms of the disease are usually managed by topical corticosteroids, coal tar, moisturizers, and prescription medications.
Word Psoriasis Day was established in 2004. The health awareness day was created by patients for patients. In 2014, the Member States of the World Health Organization adopted a resolution that officially recognized October 29th as World Psoriasis Day. To further increase awareness for the disease, the IFPA holds a World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference every third year. Over 1,000 delegates from around the world participate in the conference.
Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com
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