
World Occupational Therapy Day - 27 October.

Every year on October 27th, World Occupational Therapy Day promotes the mission and goals of occupational therapy. The day also increases awareness of occupational therapists and their global impact.

Occupational therapists provide treatment to injured or disabled patients. They also work with children who have special needs or need help in acquiring certain skills. Occupational therapists make recommendations on types of equipment and home modifications necessary for seniors or those with disabilities.

Some of the benefits of occupational therapy include:

  • Helps to overcome struggles of everyday life
  • Improves memory
  • Aids with vision loss
  • Provides assistance to caregivers
  • Assists with home modifications

There are an estimated 500,000 occupational therapists in the world. Many countries recognize occupational therapy as a profession. Some of these countries include the United States, Canada, Australia, Thailand, South Africa, Italy, Ireland, and Costa Rica. These occupational therapists work in a variety of settings. These settings include hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and home health services.

The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) launched World Occupational Therapy Day in 2010. Many countries celebrate occupational therapy week or month in October, which is why the WFOT chose October 27th. The WFOT consists of over 100 national occupational therapy professional organizations across the globe. They believe occupational therapy has a positive influence on the health, welfare, education, and vocation on an international scale.

Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com


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