
The Parker Solar Probe detects natural radio signal.

The Parker Solar Probe is on a mission to study the sun, but it keeps discovering new, intriguing things about our mysterious planetary neighbor Venus.

The NASA spacecraft flew by Venus last summer and detected a natural radio signal from Earth's twin. This signal revealed that the probe actually passed through the upper atmosphere of Venus, collecting the first direct measurement of it in almost 30 years.

Scientists were surprised to discover that the Venusian atmosphere looks very different now, and they published their findings Monday in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The solar mission, which launched in 2018, is intended to study the sun and unravel some of its mysteries. The probe will travel through the sun's atmosphere over the course of seven years and come closer to the surface of our star than any spacecraft before it.

Venus is instrumental to the probe's success. The spacecraft uses the gravity of Venus as it swings around the planet, called a gravity assist, to help bend the probe's orbit and bring it closer and closer to the sun.

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