
World Hearing Day - 03 March.

Every year on March 3rd, World Hearing Day raises awareness about hearing loss prevention. It’s also a day that promotes ear and hearing care.

According to the World Health Organization, 466 million people worldwide, or 5 percent of the world’s population, are affected by hearing loss. Thirty-four million of those affected by hearing loss are children. If we do nothing, over 900 million people will have disabling hearing loss by 2050. Disabling hearing loss means that adults over the age of 15 have hearing loss greater than 40 decibels (dB). Children between the ages of 0 and 14 have hearing loss that is greater than 30 dB.

The primary types of hearing loss include:

Sensorineural: Caused by inner ear nerve damage, usually due to age or prolonged exposure to noise. Treatment options typically include hearing aids.

Conductive: Caused by earwax, fluids, tumors, or other obstructions in the outer or middle ear. Treatment usually requires removal of the obstruction, which may require surgery or medicine.

Some people also have mixed hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. All of these types of hearing loss are considered an acquired hearing loss. Those who have congenital hearing loss means they are born with this condition.

Some things that increase one’s chances of having hearing loss include genes, exposure to disease while in utero, and trauma to the head or ear. Diseases such as meningitis, mumps, severe jaundice cases, and chickenpox can also cause hearing loss.

Hearing loss affects many aspects of a person’s life. Some negative repercussions of hearing loss include decreased socialization, depression, increased irritability, communication problems, increased risk to personal safety, weakened memory, and reduced work performance.

WHO created World Hearing Day in 2007. Before 2016, this day was known as International Ear Care Day. 

2022 World Hearing Day Theme: To hear for life, listen with care!.

Source: www.who.int


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