
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development - 21 May.

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, also known as Diversity Day, is an annual celebration held on May 21st. Its purpose is to recognize and value the cultural diversities that exist among countries, regions, and individuals worldwide. This day carries significant importance due to the fact that a considerable portion of the world’s major conflicts stem from cultural differences. It highlights the urgent need for the United Nations and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to address these conflicts and work towards achieving their primary objective of promoting global peace.

The purpose of the World Day for Cultural Diversity is to celebrate the richness of the world’s cultures and to promote intercultural dialogue. The day also aims to raise awareness of the importance of cultural diversity for peace and sustainable development.

With the adoption in September 2015 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations, and the Resolution A/C.2/70/L.59 on Culture and Sustainable Development adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2015 , the message of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is more important than ever. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals can best be achieved by drawing upon the creative potential of the world’s diverse cultures, and engaging in continuous dialogue to ensure that all members of society benefit from sustainable development. 

The United Nations General Assembly first declared this World Day in 2002, following UNESCO’s adoption of the 2001 Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, recognizing the need to “enhance the potential of culture as a means of achieving prosperity, sustainable development and global peaceful coexistence.” 

Source: www.unesco.org


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