
International Clouded Leopard Day - 04 August.

International Clouded Leopard Day is an annual observance aimed at raising awareness about clouded leopards and the conservation issues they face. 

Celebrated on August 4, the day encourages global recognition of these unique and elusive cats, along with coordinated efforts to protect their natural habitats and combat threats to their survival.

International Clouded Leopard Day traces its origins to conservation organizations and wildlife enthusiasts committed to spotlighting the plight of these unique animals. 

Though clouded leopards’ exact population size remains unknown due to their elusive nature, scientists agree that their numbers are declining due to habitat loss, hunting, and climate change.

The day emphasizes the importance of these animals in their respective ecosystems. Clouded leopards serve as keystone species, and their decline can have cascading effects on the biodiversity of their habitats. 

International Clouded Leopard Day acts as a rallying point for conservationists, educators, researchers, and the general public to take a stand for these beautiful and critically important creatures.

These beautiful and shy species inhabit central and south East Asia. The Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosi) also known as the mainland Clouded leopard, is native to the Asian mainland. A second species, the Sunda Clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) lives on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.

Howlett’s Wild Animal Park founded International Clouded Leopard Day in 2018 to raise awareness about the Clouded leopard. The organization studies and supports conservation and preservation of endangered species around the world.

Source: www.earth.com


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