
World Scout Day - 22 February.

World Scout Day is observed annually on February 22 by millions of Boy Scouts worldwide. It honours Lord Robert Baden-Powell, who founded the Boy Scout Movement, on the day of his birthday. The day is observed by National Scout Organizations all over the world through events including fundraising campaigns, food drives, and other types of volunteer work.

World Scout Day: Significance

According to the Scout Movement’s official website, there are 172 National Scout Organizations with 57 million members as of 2022. The entire scouting community should take note of this day. Several Boy Scouts renew their commitment to the organization’s principles in honour of the occasion. These institutions’ daily operations are centred on promoting communal wellbeing. Many people do nice things and volunteer in the community.

World Scout Day: History

The Scouting movement began in the United Kingdom in 1907, more than a century ago. Lord Baden-Powell organised the first Boy Scout camp back then with a ragged bunch of 20 kids. The camp, along with the founder’s book “Scouting for Boys,” were both huge successes. The movement quickly spread over the following few years, becoming an international phenomenon.

On February 22, World Scout Day, sometimes referred to as Founder’s Day, is observed to mark Lord Robert Baden-birthday. Powell’s It is especially notable because it is his wife Olave Baden- Powell’s, the World Chief Guide, birthday anniversary.

World Scout Day 2023 Theme

Scout Day is one of the important days in February 2023. The theme of World Scout Day 2023 is “Our World: Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality”.

Source: https://theyouthedge.com


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