
Showing posts with label SPACE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPACE. Show all posts

NASA and Russia will keep launching each other's astronauts to ISS until 2025.

NASA and Russia will keep launching each other's astronauts to ISS until 2025.
NASA and Russia have agreed to keep launching American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts on each other's spacecraft, media reports suggest. Roscosmos announced both it and NASA will continue the International Space Station launches with each other's crew members thro…

NASA to study asteroid ‘Apophis’, approaching earth on April 13, 2029.

NASA to study asteroid ‘Apophis’, approaching earth on April 13, 2029.
NASA, the renowned space agency, has redirected its OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from its recent mission to asteroid Bennu to study another celestial body: Apophis. This asteroid, named after the Egyptian god of Chaos, is anticipated to pass within a remarkably close distance of 3…

Nasa mission lines up to 'touch the Sun'.

Nasa mission lines up to 'touch the Sun'.
A year from now, on 24 December, Nasa's Parker Solar Probe will race past the Sun at the astonishing speed of 195 km/s, or 435,000 mph. No human-made object will have moved so fast nor, indeed, got so close to our star - just 6.1 million km, or 3.8 million miles from the…

NASA rover posts glorious GIF of a Martian day.

NASA rover posts glorious GIF of a Martian day.
NASA regularly posts highly impressive GIFs of glimpses beyond our own atmosphere, and this week, it's another beauty from Mars. On Thursday, the space agency's Curiosity rover posted two animated images showing the six-wheeled vehicle's view of the Martian lands…

NASA can't wait for its OSIRIS-APEX spacecraft to meet 'God of Chaos' asteroid Apophis in 2029.

NASA can't wait for its OSIRIS-APEX spacecraft to meet 'God of Chaos' asteroid Apophis in 2029.
NASA's asteroid sampling spacecraft OSRIS-APEX will have an exciting new mission in 2029, when it will watch an exciting asteroid encounter like no other in recorded human history. The craft, formerly known as OSIRIS-REx, will bear witness as the asteroid Apophis— named …

Pakistan successfully tests Advanced Rocket System Fatah-II.

Pakistan successfully tests Advanced Rocket System Fatah-II.
Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan’s military successfully conducted a flight test of the indigenously developed guided multi-launch rocket system Fatah-II , showcasing a significant advancement in its missile capabilities. The system boasts a 400-kilometer range and advanced fe…

How NASA's VIPER rover could revolutionize moon exploration with AI mission.

How NASA's VIPER rover could revolutionize moon exploration with AI mission.
As NASA's second Artemis mission gets closer to launch, part of a program that's preparing for humanity's historic return to the moon,  the agency is looking into using advanced artificial intelligence technology to speed things along. NASA's Volatiles Invest…

Large Magellanic Fireworks.

Large Magellanic Fireworks.
The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a stellar explosion throwing out sheets of debris in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy on July 7, 2003.  Since its 1990 launch, Hubble has changed our fundamental understanding of the universe; with over 1.5 million ob…

NASA's Artemis 2 mission is returning astronauts to the moon.

NASA's Artemis 2 mission is returning astronauts to the moon.
NASA's Artemis 2 lunar mission in 2024 will send the first astronauts around the moon in nearly 50 years. The mission will launch four astronauts around the moon on a lunar flyby aboard an Orion spacecraft using a Space Launch System rocket.  Artemis 2 is an eight day mi…

Send your name to Jupiter’s moon Europa before the year ends.

Send your name to Jupiter’s moon Europa before the year ends.
While it’s not yet possible for humans to venture to the intriguing ocean worlds in our solar system, NASA is sending a cosmic message in a bottle to Jupiter’s moon Europa that will carry more than 2 million names. And your name can be one of them if you sign up before the y…

Solar Mission Aditya L1 to reach destination on January 6: ISRO Chairman.

Solar Mission Aditya L1 to reach destination on January 6: ISRO Chairman.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman, S Somanath, recently announced a significant milestone in India’s space exploration journey. The Aditya-L1, India’s first solar mission, is set to reach the Lagrangian point L1 on January 6. This point, located 1.5 mil…

Unprecedented ‘Dark Hole’ on sun emitting ‘Unusually Fast Radiation’ toward earth.

Unprecedented ‘Dark Hole’ on sun emitting ‘Unusually Fast Radiation’ toward earth.
An unprecedented “enormous dark hole” has opened in the sun’s surface and spewed streams of “unusually fast radiation” directly towards Earth, scientists say. The giant dark patch, called a coronal hole, is wider than the size of 60 Earths put together, according to Space.co…

India set to launch its first X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite.

India set to launch its first X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite.
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has recently announced its ambitious plan to launch the country’s first X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat). This groundbreaking mission aims to delve into the polarization of intense X-Ray sources, introducing a novel dimensio…

Hubble Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Servicing Mission 1.

Hubble Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Servicing Mission 1.
In the pre-dawn hours on Dec. 2, 1993, the space shuttle Endeavour launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a critical mission to repair NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble was designed to be serviced in space with components that astronauts can slide in and out of…

What is the biggest planet ever found ?.

What is the biggest planet ever found ?.
The universe is vast — possibly even infinite — and in the scheme of things, our planet is tiny. Even in our own solar system, Earth is dwarfed by gas giants like Jupiter. But are there bigger planets out there? How much bigger? What is the biggest planet we know of ? The an…

I'm sending my name to Jupiter's moon Europa on a NASA spacecraft.

I'm sending my name to Jupiter's moon Europa on a NASA spacecraft.
In 2024, if all goes to plan, a spacecraft named the Europa Clipper will embark on a journey to an icy, gray moon of Jupiter covered in rust-colored gashes. It will swim along the Jovian satellite's gravitational tides, half facing the orb from orbit, half exposed to th…

Our universe's smallest galaxies hold the largest star factories.

Our universe's smallest galaxies hold the largest star factories.
Some of the biggest, most intense regions of star formation are found in the smallest of galaxies, and scientists believe this is because stars reaching the ends of their lives in the so-called dwarf galaxies are more likely to turn into black holes than explode in supernov…

Watch SpaceX's Starship explode in astronomer's stunning telescope footage.

Watch SpaceX's Starship explode in astronomer's stunning telescope footage.
The second test flight of SpaceX's Starship was a photogenic one. On Saturday (Nov. 18), the massive Starship rocket launched for the second time ever, lifting off from SpaceX's Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas. The Super Heavy booster of the 400-foot-tall (122…

NASA to Provide Live Coverage of Space Station Cargo Launch.

NASA to Provide Live Coverage of Space Station Cargo Launch.
NASA will provide live launch and docking coverage of the Roscosmos Progress 86 cargo spacecraft carrying about three tons of food, fuel, and supplies for the Expedition 70 crew aboard the International Space Station. The unpiloted spacecraft is scheduled to launch at 4:25 a…

The moon going to be meet up with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades tonight.

The moon going to be meet up with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades tonight.
The moon has a date with the Seven Sisters, also known as the Pleiades stars cluster, on Sunday (Nov. 26).  The nearly full moon will make a close approach to the star clusters, passing to within 1 degree of the Seven Sisters, officially known by astronomers as Messier 45 (M…




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